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GVSU Golf Camps

Grand Valley State Golf Camps

Lakers High School Tournament Tune-Up Camp

Join the GVSU Women’s College Golf Coaches and Players for a 1-day High School camp taking place in June 2025. This camp will give High School golfers an opportunity to fine tune their skills and techniques before the summer tournaments begin. Each player will get individualized technical instruction on all aspects of the game alongside an insight into how college golfers practice and prepare for tournaments. We will round out the camp with an all-things college golf Q&A with coaches and players. This will give prospective college golfers an opportunity to learn about what events they should be playing in and what exactly college coaches are looking for in the recruiting process.

June 7th
Who: Girls
Grades: 8 - 12 and Incoming Freshmen
Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cost: $471.50 ($449 + $22.50 Fee)
GVSU Staff save $25
$10 Off per Camper For 2 or More From The Same Team

Registration Deadline: May 24th

Location: All sessions will take place in the GVSU practice facility located across the road from the Meadows Golf Course

Includes: Lunch, snacks, drinks, GVSU T-Shirt, Elite level instruction from College Coaches and PGA Class A Instructors. Vision 54 training and virtual swing analysis.

Sample Schedule:

10:00 AM -12:00 PM | Full Swing instruction & Trackman analysis
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Lunch & course management tips
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Putting, Short Game, and Wedge-Play instruction and practice techniques

Coaches in Attendance:

  • Head Women’s Golf Coach, Rebecca Mailloux
  • Assistant Women’s Golf Coach, Katie Chipman
  • Players from women’s program

Any Questions?
616-331-3082 | maillour@gvsu.ed