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GVSU Golf Camps

Grand Valley State Golf Camps

Lakers High School Season Tune-Up Camp

August 2nd
Who: Girls
Grades: 8 - 12 and Incoming Freshmen
Time: 10:00 AM - 3:00 PM
Cost: $471.50 ($449 + $22.50 Fee)
GVSU Staff save $25
$10 Off per Camper For 2 or More From The Same Team

Registration Deadline: July 19th

Location: All sessions will take place in the GVSU practice facility located across the road from the Meadows Golf Course

Includes: Lunch, snacks, drinks, GVSU T-Shirt, Elite level instruction from College Coaches and PGA Class A Instructors. Vision 54 training and virtual swing analysis.

Sample Schedule:

10:00 AM -12:00 PM | Full Swing instruction & Trackman analysis
12:00 PM - 1:00 PM | Lunch & course management tips
1:00 PM - 3:00 PM | Putting, Short Game, and Wedge-Play instruction and practice techniques

Coaches in Attendance:

  • Head Women’s Golf Coach, Rebecca Mailloux
  • Assistant Women’s Golf Coach, Katie Chipman
  • Players from women’s program

Any Questions?
616-331-3082 | maillour@gvsu.ed